Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baby Boy

I'm an auntie! A little baby boy, who is still known by baby boy, came into the world this morning at 2:33am. He decided to start coming into the world in the middle of Kohls. Jessica was a champ and little man was hard headed, so he was born emergency C-Section and they both came out great. He is blonde hair and blue eyed.

Jalen got to hold him and did great. His biggest worry right now, and I'm serious, is that KiKi is coming home. He asks quite a lot about her.

I will put pictures up soon! :) We're over the 24 hour mark for being up, so we are taking a nap very shortly!

UPDATE on 1.29.09

His name will be Ryan Joel, which is both of their middle names. He's a cutie!! They are soundly home and trying to adjust to "normal" life outside of the hospital.

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