Sunday, October 16, 2011


Jalen never failed to make me laugh -- ever!!

"Oh me gosh, Mommy! Come here!" "No, Jalen, I don't want to look at your poop!" "Mommy, seriously, oh me gosh, come here!" I walk there. "Look, Mommy, I just think I ate too many cherries from Skinny Dips. My poop is red. Oh me gosh, Mommy. It's hilarious!"

I'm cleaning the shower with this new stuff that you spray on and it makes it easier to wipe grime off. "Mommy, what's that? Is that Oxi Clean?" "Why, yes Jalen, it is!" -- Oh the things TV teaches our kids!!

"Mommy, I want that." "Jalen that's for girls (it's a Barbie hair straightener). Daddy would get mad." "But, Mommy, you just buy it and give it to me and we won't tell Daddy." "Why do you want it?" "I wanted to give it to you as a present, you'd love it, but Daddy wouldn't let me buy it." -- He's so freakin' sweet!!

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