Friday, December 17, 2010

A Little Behind...

Jalen has been having lots of fun with his Christmas countdown. I have still been taking pictures every day, I just haven't had time to upload them to the computer. He's gotten lots of things from candy to donuts to cookie cutters to a painting cook. One thing in common, is his love for finding the things and doing them. Last night we had fun in the rain getting some Goodberry's and sitting in the car watching Christmas lights. It was fun and Jalen was amazed. It's like this year he is really tuning in to what is going on. This weekend it is my goal to finish Christmas shopping...

I finish school -- yay! Well, just for this semester, but next year I will be graduating around this time which is super exciting for us.

Jalen was supposed to have his Christmas play and party today, but unfortunately, Wake County delayed 2 hours, which cancels his school. I was bummed. I was looking forward to it so much and Nick was even able to get off. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your way behind now..