Well, as everyone knows, Jessica, Lindsay, and their entourage took off to Vegas for a week. Jalen, Chloe, and I stayed behind to hold down the fort here. Chloe has been a very good girl and Jalen loves having her here. It'll be hard for him to say bye to yet another dog. Hopefully, soon, we'll get him one to stay. Today they played outside while I did a few things in the house and kept an eye on them. In literally 1 email, Chloe decided to dig. Yes, I about had to kill her. She was fine though. Jalen loves playing outside and the 25 mosquito bites didn't stop him. They had fun! I decided to be brave and leave Chloe by herself and I have to say she did a great job and did not destroy a single thing - though she may have been tired from playing outside with Jalen! I have to say the funniest thing she does is chase Curious George on TV and cries to get him. Never seen this before in a dog. She literally jumps back and forth to get him. Lindsay is liable for any television damages, though! Off to our next adventure....

I do miss my lil Ry-Ry! Come home to Auntie!!!!
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