Friday, August 28, 2009

Goodbye is Never Easy..

These past few weeks have not been the easiest and last night was no easier. Lucky got very sick in a matter of a day or two. We took him to the vet and they tried a few things, but were still unsure of what was going on. We made the decision to take him on home in hopes he would turn around. At about 1:45 in the morning, Lucky passed away. It is deffinately hard and something I never want to see again, but I was glad I was able to be there for him. He will deffinately be missed and it feels like right now we're missing a part of our family because he was our dog. We are Lucky he was able to be apart of our lives for a short time, but he is in a better place and I am thankful we were able to help him make it as long as he did.

Jalen seems to be doing well with it. He asked me this morning where he was and I said he was sick and had to go to the clouds. He is up there with Jake and Undie, who he misses too. We will continue to tell him this and eventually, we will get him another dog when things settle down and the time is right..
God has a plan for everything and everyone - even when sometimes you don't know what His plan is or don't understand why His plan is the way it is...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thankful Tuesday!

I have a lot to be thankful for..

* I'm thankful for Jalen's birthday being very special and fun! He loved the attention and my goal is to make every day special for him because he is surely a special lil man! Can't believe he's three..
* I got to spend the day with my sisters! Love em..
* My Mom got to come up for Jalen's party. I was so glad to see her and Cherish, but it broke my heart when they left and Jalen wanted to go so bad.
* Lucky is doing good with the potty training. Baby steps!
* The simple free things in life - parks, smiles, hugs, walks, picnic lunches (guess they aren't really free, but you know)

Lots to be thankful for.. Remember, someone always has it worse than you do!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jalen's Party!

Jalen's birthday ended up lasting all weekend. He is too special for just one day. On his birthday, we hung out with Ryan for a little bit and Lucky went to the vet. We dropped Ryan off, picked up Lucky, and then headed out. We went to Monkey Joes for awhile and then to Salsarita's for dinner. We came home and Jalen was able to eat his cupcakes. I found out he loves getting the 'Happy Birthday' song sung about 15 times to him. He's too cute. On his party day, he spent the day with Nick's family while I worked and then straightened up. We decorated and then the party started. It was fun-filled and Jalen had a blast! He got a 'scoota' for his birthday and he rides it around every where. This morning he scoota'td into my room to say hello. Lots of good stuff and we're thankful for everyone who helped. Also, it was Dwight's birthday so we got him a lil Steelers cake and balloons! It was a fun weekend and great start to a new year...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jalen!

Dear Jalen –

It is so hard to believe my little baby is turning 3 year old. Where did time go? I remember finding out I was pregnant with you and seeing you all in the same day. It was one of the best days of my life. I remember holding you for the first time and it brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. Over the past three years you have taught me what love is, patience, and what the true meaning of happiness is.

Seeing you grow and turn into a little man is the joy of my life. I love hearing your little feet pitter patter into my room at night. I love hearing you count. I love seeing you point to all your body parts. I love seeing you recognize all of your colors. I love hearing you put words together and hearing your vocabulary expanding. I love seeing you with all of your family and seeing how much you love them and how much they love you. I love watching and being with you. I will always be your biggest fan.

Jalen, you’ve taught me so much, but most of all you’ve taught me it is the simple things in life that mean the most. I do not know where I’d be without you and I do not like to think about it. You’ve changed my life forever and I love you with all my heart. You’ll always be my little baby no matter how big you get and how smart you are. Please know that I will always be there for you no matter what and I will always support you no matter what.

Happy Birthday and I can’t wait to see what this year will bring…

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lucky Lucks

As you know we got a new puppy for Jalen for his birthday. He is a cutie and we are getting there slowly, but surely on the training. We know it is only day 2, but you've gotta start early or you're doomed from the start. Tomorrow he'll go to the vet to get checked out and get a good scrubbin.. Here are some pictures! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's a Boy!!

Today we got Lucky from the Lee County Animal Shelter. He's our new addition!

Thankful Tuesday

This past week was a wonderful week and I can't complain one bit. I've got a lot to be thankful for...

- I am thankful for Jalen being a healthy and happy little boy who will be 3 on Thursday.
- I am thankful I got to visit with my Mom this weekend. What a fun, relaxing trip that I would take again for sure. I got a beautiful birthday cake that we ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
- I am thankful for my sisters. In times of need, we know who we can count on.
- I am thankful for my Dad who gave me an excellent birthday dinner.
- I am thankful for Nicholas who I did miss while we were apart and who got me two cute shirts.
- I am thankful we may be having a new addition to our family.. Stay tuned for details.

I'm very thankful..
How about you???

Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Well, if you read My Charming Kids, then you will know what "Not Me Monday" is, but if you don't check out MckMama's blog to see what exactly it is. Until then, enjoy my Not Me Monday!

I did not roll down the windows and turn up the music on the way to the beach to pretend I didn't hear Jalen screaming in the backseat for everyone under the sun, but me. Nope, not me! I'd never do that.

Jalen did not turn on the hose at my Mom's house. I did not go running outside to make him turn it off and come inside to eat his dinner. I did not get squirted in the face with water so I would not turn it off. I did not proceed to run inside screaming that my kid was squirting me with water. I did not have to use a umbrella to shield myself from getting soaked by Jalen while trying to turn the water off. Nope, not me, not my kid!

I did not make Jalen a birthday shirt for his birthday. I paid big money for his fabulous birthday shirt. Nope, I wouldn't ever be creative and decide to save money -- nope, not me!

I refuse to get my child a dog for his birthday. I am not going to get my son a dog so that he can be the child who actually got a dog for his birthday. I would never do that. :)

My Mom and I did not eat cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner while we were visiting together. Our parents taught us better than that. We ate very healthy. We would never do such a thing!

What'd you do this Not Me! week??

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's The Big 100 !!!

This is my 100th post.. Aren't you excited? I am. I should do a giveaway or something, but that may just have to come at a later date because this weekend is a beach weekend. After a wonderful birthday, Nick headed to the beach with his friends and I'm off with Jalen to see Mama! It'll be a fun time for all of us and pray for a safe travel...

Like I said earlier, my birthday was a great day. I woke up with texts and phone calls from my sisters, my Mom, and my Dad. I got my hair done, which I do like. I went back natural. I came home to a surprise from my wonderful boo. He got my Kenny Chesney tickets and is even going with me. Very excited. I'm sure he is too since he was the one who went to buy a CD of his for me and kept looking for Kenny Chesnut until they told him it was Chesney. Hey, he tried and I'm happy! We went to a wonderful dinner at my Dad's. It couldn't of been a better dinner. Thanks Dad! After that, I got in my dress and headed out. It was a nice, fun night, but I know why you only turn 21 once because I wouldn't do it again! Next morning my sissys arrived. Very good to see them and glad they got home safely. I was lost without them! Thank you to everyone who made it very special and thank you Kia for driving up!

I'll post pictures soon, but I won't be posting because this is my last weekend free before school start. Boooo!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Today is my birthday! I am officially 21. To me, it's just another day in paradise. Today I will get my hair done around 1 and then, off to Dad's for a dinner fit for a queen. Later on, I will possibly hit the town, but there is no telling.

This past year has been a year of change and growth I would have to say. It has been a hard year, but a rewarding year. It's been a year of new family members. It's been a lot. From this year I can say I'm a stronger person and from this year I've learned many lessons. I've learned that in life all you need is your family and if you don't have that, then you don't have much. There is someone that always has it worse than you do. Change can be hard, but it can work itself out. When you say you don't know how you'll ever love another one just as much, you will - just look at my newest family members. Goodbyes aren't forever. You can count your friends on a hand. God made us sisters, but we made ourselves best friends. Distance is just a measure of love and strength.

Jalen, you've made me who I am today. You've brought me courage, strength, faith, happiness, and love. You're my hero and I love you with all my heart. Nicholas, you are my best friend and pull me through things that many times I don't know how to get through. I love you! To my family, I love you more than ever and I realize how important you are. To my other family, you are all so very special to me and I love you all. To both of my families, I'd do anything for you and you will always be the most important part of my life.

Happy Birthday to me and to another great year....

By the way -- my next post will be our 100th post!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Adventures of Jalen and Chloe

Well, as everyone knows, Jessica, Lindsay, and their entourage took off to Vegas for a week. Jalen, Chloe, and I stayed behind to hold down the fort here. Chloe has been a very good girl and Jalen loves having her here. It'll be hard for him to say bye to yet another dog. Hopefully, soon, we'll get him one to stay. Today they played outside while I did a few things in the house and kept an eye on them. In literally 1 email, Chloe decided to dig. Yes, I about had to kill her. She was fine though. Jalen loves playing outside and the 25 mosquito bites didn't stop him. They had fun! I decided to be brave and leave Chloe by herself and I have to say she did a great job and did not destroy a single thing - though she may have been tired from playing outside with Jalen! I have to say the funniest thing she does is chase Curious George on TV and cries to get him. Never seen this before in a dog. She literally jumps back and forth to get him. Lindsay is liable for any television damages, though! Off to our next adventure....

I do miss my lil Ry-Ry! Come home to Auntie!!!!

Just for Fun!

What's your favorite salad dressing? Thousand Island or Ketchup and Mayo for the homemade verison!
What's your favorite sit-down resturaunt? This is hard -- Braso's was really good, but for a more down-to-earth choice, Chili's?
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? Pimento cheese from Harris Teeter or even better, Fresh Market
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Pepperoni or Sausage depending on from where
What do you like to put on your toast? Strawberry Jelly
How many televisions are in your house? 4
What color cellphone do you have? Black with a pink/black case
Right hand or left hand? Lefty
Had anything removed from your body? Wisdom teeth and does a baby count?
Last heavy item you lifted? Jalen
Ever been knocked unconcious? No!
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No, because I wouldn't want to spend my time worrying with when it was.
Last run-in with a cop? My ticket
Last person you talked to? Jalen Nicholas
Last person you hugged? Jalen Nicholas
Favorite season? Summer
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Day of the week? Tuesday - usually off
Month? August - birthday time
First place you went this morning? Bathroom then downstairs to watch Curious
Last movie you saw? Wow.. I don't know
Do you smile often? Yes
It's four in the morning and you get a text, who is it? Jessica
What flavor drink at Sonic? Still just a Diet Coke or Dr. Pepper
Wish list for Christmas? Vacation to the islands.
Can you do push-ups? Yeah, riggghttt!
Can you do a chin-up? Nope!
Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Nervous as can be!
Ever been in a car wreck? A couple - One bad one but we were all okay.. Thank God
What's the last song to make you cry? Darrius Rucker - It won't last for long..?
Plans tonight? Never do - plans are dumb. :-)
Ever been given roses? Yes, thank you Nicholas
Current worry? Money, Missing my sisters and nephew
Met someone who changed your life? Jalen - wouldn't know where I'd be and probably don't want to know
What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? Something must be wrong with my family and I didn't answer the phone - missed called from Dad, missed call from Jessica, and 5 texts from Jessica. Nope, they just love me! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thankful Tuesday

Well, this week is full of many thanks, just as every week is! Jalen is growing like a little weed and he continues to amaze me each day. Do I wish I could stop him from growing? Yes, but he turns into a little man every day!

This week I am thankful --
* My sisters are taking a vacation to Las Vegas, despite the fact I miss them very much, but that they are having safe travels.
* We have Chloe, Lindsay's puppy. Jalen is in love with having a dog in the house again.. Who knows what his birthday present will be!?
* We've made it exactly a month living as a family of 3 in one household and it's been a great adventure.
* I will be getting a year older and a year wiser soon! :-) Wonder what next year will hold..