I am proud to report that we no longer wear these on a daily basis except at night time...

A little word to the wise who are trying to potty train their kids.. you can't force them to do it and it will just happen.
The other day Jalen told me he wanted to wear underwear. We had been trying it on and off, but I never made a big deal out of it because I truthfully, didn't want to clean up accidents! Well, the otherday he said it and I tried it. It was like he had been wearing them for years. He pees, poops, and everything in between now. He hasn't had any accidents in 2 days and is doing wonderful. I couldn't be a prouder Mommy! :)
Have no fear though, they make little disposable toliet seat covers for kids and we use those in public!
1 comment:
Yeah Jalen!
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