Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jones' Crohnies

We had such a great time walking yesterday with Dad. We had an amazing team of people who came out. A big thank you to everyone who supported us! We raised $2100 for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation and we couldn't be happier. We're getting closer and closer to a cure.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cake Pops

The Easter bunny brought a cake pop kit. They were pretty delicious, but not worth all the time and effort we put into make the 11 little boogers!! They took like 2 hours with all the refrigerating and stuff. Has to be an easier way, besides using one of those makers!

T-Ball Man

Jalen started t-ball and is doing awesome at it. He's truly enjoying it. He is hitting it great and is really trying to learn the game. I'm so proud of him. He tries to hit it to the fence every time!!

Our Family

is the best! No doubt about it!