Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Jalen has been playing basketball and doing really well at it. He's improved greatly over last year. He still skips down the court but he's a little more aggressive and isn't afraid to go for the ball. His coach is really good this year. Jalen has earned numerous stars for his shirt and is very proud. He's number 11.


We got a little bit of snow the other day and Jalen loved it. He made a few snowballs with Daddy!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Jalen is writing out all of his valentines! He's very excited to give them all away and hopefully receive some. His are of course Star Wars this year. We had stickers that came with the cards but we've had to run out and grab a little something else to go with them because that's what all the kids are doing according to Jalen! Gotta love him. Takes his things seriously.