Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Soccer Game of the Season

Jalen had soccer for the first time this season today. He didn't want to go at first, but once he got there, he jumped right in and never quit. I can't tell you how proud I am of him. He listened to all the instructions, never once came to me and said he was too hot or he didn't want to play, he tried his hardest, made FOUR goals, and was actively chasing and getting the ball. His face was so red when he was done and I was so happy to see that he enjoyed it. He's really starting to find things he enjoys and doesn't enjoys and is very vocal about them. I said I will continue to place him in different activities until it becomes a big issue and he just says he doesn't like something. Good job, buddy!!

Life & Science

The other weekend we were supposed to go to the zoo, but the weather got in the way, so we went to the Durham Life & Science Museum. We had a great time! Jalen, Salah, and Neriah got to hold a butterfly, pet a cow, and ride the train. The kids had a great time and so did I. It's fun to see them interact in a place other than someone's house. They love to show each other what they see. We were there all day and didn't make it through the inside part. It was definitely hotter than we expected, but it was a fun day!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cooking Class

I signed Jalen up for cooking classes in Raleigh and today was our first one. They made homemade cupcakes and decorated a little cake. He had a blast. He worked well with the other kids and enjoyed making new things. He kept trying to sneak in little licks every now and then! When he got in the car he said "cooking class is awesome, when is the next one?" I'm so glad he likes it. We've only been through 50 different activities!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Always and Forever baby you'll be!