...the bride!
On my birthday, Nick decided that he would take me out to eat instead of having a family dinner with everyone. I had no clue where we were going! He rushed me to get ready, as I was taking my time and we went to Peak City Grill in Apex. We enjoyed a few drinks, thanks to some amazing friends and ate dinner. Nick decided he was going to order a salad to eat, but just pushed it around his plate more than anything. We talked and had a great time. He bit his nails and everything else! Finally, the check came and he said I could open my present. I opened it and found a beautiful purse, sparkly TOMS, and a picture frame. The picture frame had a diamond ring with stones and stones saying 'marry me' on it with a picture of us. I dropped the frame and said yes, while he's down on his knee. I sat up, wiped my tears, and started talking again. I even put the frame away. He asked where it was and I realized my ring was in the frame. Didn't even see it! Needless to say, I cried again. It was a great time. Afterwards, they came up with a bottle of champagne and we enjoyed a glass. I was a little bummed that I didn't get to see all my family for my birthday, but I knew I'd see them the next day. When we drove home and walked in the house, I walked into the kitchen to everyone being there. It was the greatest surprise ever!! I am told my mouth dropped for like a minute before I said anything. Overall, it was a great day and I couldn't of asked for it to be any better!!!