Saturday, October 30, 2010

State Fair

We adventured out to the State Fair twice this year and two times too many :) Just kidding... I'm not a big fair person, don't like the crowds and think it is germ filled, but we survived. Jalen loves playing the games. We didn't do any rides! $3 for a kid's ride and the parents have to pay too?! YEAH, RIIIGHT!!

Great Wolf Lodge

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Festival

At Jalen's school on last Wednesday they had their Fall Festival. This year I choose not to volunteer, so I could walk around with him. I hated not being able to walk around and spend the time with him, so this year I did. He had lots of fun. He's so different in school. He is quick to listen, follows what they say, holds his little finger over his mouth with his hand on his hip in the halls.. It makes my heart melt and makes me sad at the same time. Where's my little boy going?!!? Needless to say, he had a blast and loved doing all the activities, especially getting the candy and prizes!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


What more do you need to say? The picture is worth 1000 words...

She's growing so fast that it is hard to believe she's almost 2 months old. Where does time go?? She's such a blessing and a wonderful addition to our family. Her bright eyes, beautiful skin, loving face make me melt every time I see her! We love you Miss Brooklyn!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Charlotte Bound

I never thought that this week would ever come. We've been looking forward to going to Charlotte for a couple of months now. We will be visiting Kia one night and then we will be heading to Great Wolf Lodge for 2 nights with Jessica and Ryan. We might visit Ikea while we're there, too. You never know ;) They've never been so it will be lots of fun showing them around. Plus, there is going to be Halloween related things so the boys will be able to wear their costumes. Too bad Izzy can't come, she'd be the cutest hot dog there is!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I can't believe how big he is getting. He is a train-loving, dirty all the time, crazy, blonde hair, blue eyed, full of messes, just like his Mama, loving, Curious George watchin', cousin following, ba-ba drinkin', name knowing, smart little boy who forever has a piece of my heart.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Deisgns By Lyss

So the wipe cases aren't taking over my personal blog, I moved that section to:

Check it out and pass it on!

Man's Best Friend

Jalen sure does love his dog. He always tells me that he wants a kitten so Izzy will have something to chase because it will be funny! It is probably not the right reason, but he does have one, at least! They will play, chase, annoy each other, but at the end of the day, they are best friends!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cooking with Mommy

Cooking is very relaxing and almost like therapy for me. When I'm stressed, I cook. You'll know when I'm stressed because I have 400 things in the kitchen that no one in our house really eats, but me. Well, it is very similar for Jalen. When he's bored, acting crazy, or just silly,I can get him to cook and he'll calm right down. We baked brownies last weekend and they were sooo good. We frosted them with chocolate frosting and then crushed Oreos to put on top. He's my little chef!